
The America United National Pageant offers eight divisions for all ages, marital status, and sizes! One National Queen crowned in each division!


10 – 12



Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

Currently enrolled in grades 5th -8th.

Must be a natural-born female.


13 – 17



Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

Currently enrolled in grades 9th – 12th.

Must not have children.

Must be a natural-born female.


18 – 25



Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

Never married or have children.

Must be a natural-born female.


26 – 44*



Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

May not be presently married, may be engaged, divorced, or single.

May have children.

Must be a natural-born female.

*Candidates aged 18-25 who are not married but have children may request to compete in the Ms. division.


18 & Older



Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

Must be married at the time of competition. Those who are engaged at the time of sign-up and will be married by the National pageant should compete in this division.

Must be a natural-born female.


45 – 59



Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

May be engaged, married, divorced, or single.

May have children.

Must be a natural-born female.


60 & Older



Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

May be engaged, married, divorced, or single.

May have children.

Must be a natural-born female.


18 & Older


Wear size 14 dress or larger.

Must be a resident of the state/region you wish to represent and a US citizen.

May be engaged, married, divorced, or single.

May have children.

Must be a natural-born female.

The candidate with the overall high score from all divisions combined will be crowned the National ELITE Queen!

Age is determined by what age the candidate will be on the first day of the pageant competition.

Ready to represent your state or region?

Are you interested in joining the America United sisterhood?

Fill out the interest form and let’s talk!

Areas of Competition

Candidates will compete in four areas of competition; panel interview, fun fashion, evening gown, and on-stage question.

Panel Interview

Candidates meet with our judges for a 7 minute panel style interview. Judges will take this time to get to know candidates and ask questions from the information provided in your candidate biography. Judges may ask questions about current events and world news, but will not ask political or religion-based questions.

Candidates should wear attire that is considered business casual. This may include dresses, skirt or pant suits, and jumpsuits. Avoid large or distracting accessories and jewelry.

Panel Interview is 40% of the overall score.

Evening Gown

Each candidate should select an evening gown that flatters their body shape and style and compliments their skin tone/hair color/etc. The gown should make you feel glamorous, elegant, and confident. Gowns must be age-appropriate. Evening gowns must be floor length, no high-low styles accepted.

Evening Gown is 25% of the overall score.

Fun Fashion

Candidates will model an age-appropriate outfit of their choosing that showcases their personality and personal style. Fun fashion can be anything from cocktail dresses to cowboy boots and anything in-between! Fun fashion may not be a full length evening gown style, a high-low style is acceptable.

Fun Fashion is 25% of the overall score.

On-Stage Question

Each candidate will be asked an on-stage question at the end of their evening gown presentation. Questions are meant to be conversational, however they may ask for thoughts and/or opinions, but will not include any political or religion-based questions.

On-Stage Question is 10% of the overall score.

Impartial. unbiased. equitable. fair.

It is the goal of America United pageant to provide an unparalleled experience for all of our candidates, included in that is a personal guarantee from the director that judging will be impartial, unbiased, equitable, and fair.

We stand on our promise with these guarantees!


Independent Judges

We will always do our best to insure judges do not have any pre-existing relationships with candidates. We know the pageant world is small and sometimes it is unavoidable that a judge and candidate have crossed paths in the past, all judges will be instructed to score each candidate without personal bias.


No Fraternizing

Judges will be kept separate from candidates during all non-judged pageant activities. Judges will not attend rehearsals, dinners, or events. Should a candidate meet a judge in passing there is to be no communication beyond a simple greeting.


Neutral Tabulation

All scores will be tabulated by a neutral, qualified party and will not be disclosed to judges, the director or pageant staff prior to crowning.